It is traditional in American political history that a new administration moves on, despite political differences with its predecessor, and does not engage in behavior which could be characterized as a witch hunt. President Obama, with this stunningly surprising move, risks jeopardizing that tradition and demeaning both himself and his administration in an obvious attempt to placate his left base. Let us hope that he and those around him take a step back, think the matter through, and drop the idea very quickly.
Hugh Hewitt writes:
The president's decision to open the door to prosecuting former Bush Administration officials for policies developed and used in the war on terror is not just the threat of the worst sort of unconstitutional ex post facto prosecution, it also greatly endangers the United States by obliging current front-line prosecutors, intelligence operatives and even uniformed members of the military that if it becomes politically useful to classify their conduct as "potentially criminal" this Administration will do so. The impact of that posture will be devastating to the security of the United States.Indeed. President Obama is going to have to decide whether he is president of, or whether he is President of The United States.
Captain Ed Morrissey writes:
" may be because Obama decided that he couldn’t take any more heat from the far Left. They’ve been wanting blood for years and expected to get it with a Democrat in the White House and Democrats controlling Capitol Hill. Obama did a pretty good job of putting them off for three months, but apparently that’s the limit of his endurance."
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